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How Will Coronavirus (COVID-19) Affect the Safety of Food from Robinette Farms?

Updated: Apr 13, 2020

Our kids are home from school. We’re distancing ourselves from people. But we also grow a lot of food for your families! Here’s what we’re doing to keep you safe.

First and foremost, the US Food and Drug Administration says that:

“Currently there is no evidence of food or food packaging being associated with transmission of COVID-19.”

However, the FDA, as well as reporting on recent research, has shown that the virus can survive for a maximum of 2-3 days on hard surfaces, and 24 hours or less on cardboard.

To minimize any potential threat to our customers, here’s what we’re doing:

  • We continue to follow our Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) food safety management plan. Not many small farms have one -- but we do!

  • Any employee with gastrointestinal illness, cough, fever or shortness of breath is instructed to stay home. We currently have two full time employees plus Chloe who harvest and process produce, which minimizes our farm’s exposure.

  • All produce handling surfaces and tools are sanitized before use.

  • We always follow strict hand washing protocols, and we now additionally require gloves and face coverings to be worn while produce is harvested, washed, and packaged.

  • All produce is rinsed in water treated with a certified organic food disinfectant called SaniDate 5.0 composed of hydrogen peroxide and peroxyacetic acid.

  • Packaged produce is moved directly from washing and packaging into walk-in coolers. Produce for CSA is processed 24-48 hours before customers pickup their produce. Micro Greens destined for restaurants and grocery stores stays in refrigerated storage for a minimum of 48-72 hours before delivery.

  • Finally, during strict social distancing measures, reduced-cost home delivery is available for our Salad Subscription and additional safety practices are in place during pickups on the Farm and in Lincoln.

We want all of our customers to prioritize their health, which is why we grow nutritionally dense foods for our family and yours. In light of Coronavirus concerns, we are continually researching best practices and redoubling our efforts to give you confidence that the food we grow is safe for your family.

Thank you for your support and we welcome your feedback so we can continue to improve!

Alex & Chloe

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